

Isn't this a great picture? I'm getting really pumped for the elections coming up. I'm not sure if I'm still living in a dream world, but I hope and pray that whoever is elected makes some great CHANGES (hint, hint)!


Dragon Burn 2008...

That's right, the pictures of the annual Drag n' Burn celebration are up for your viewing pleasure. In short, Nicole and I had a wonderful trip "up north". It was great to see everyone and to relax down at the Land (which is celebrating it's 15th year!).

Thank you to everyone who made the trip a pleasure and apologies to those we weren't able to see due to time and schedule.



"I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far." - Neil Simon

Do you ever have those days where you wake up, and you know that although you are having some struggles you can still see the bigger picture and all the love that surrounds you? I know I sound like a big hippie, but I'm ok with that. I'm so grateful that I have a wonderful, amazing husband, the best parents in the world who are also my friends, 3 awesome brothers, 1 beautiful sister-in-law, and a happy little guy that reminds us all to see the joy in life (see picture above). Life is good.