
I wanna go to the zoo zoo zoo how about you?

I'm back in LA. Somehow the 14 hour time change, 6 airport, 2 bus, 1 taxi,3 country, 30 hours of travel on 2 hours of sleep didn't mess with me. 20 hours after I landed at LAX I was at work. Day two of work done and pushing midnight and I have energy to spare. Went for a great run in the mountains after work yesterday. Ah trails. And now for a couple of photos from the "Great Thai Adventure".

Ah Ronald. You are indeed everywhere. No, I did not eat McDonalds in Thailand. This was simply a photo not to be passed up.

One of the many cool Temples in and around Bangkok. Not an optical illusion. It was really freaking steep.

Not nearly as steep...and the happy couple says hello. Oh by the way in case you noticed, yes I wore the same clothes pretty much every single hot sweaty 95 degree muggy day in Thailand. I washed the shorts a couple of times but I had at least 4 shirts that I never wore because this one was so so comfortable. It sounds impossible, but Nicole can vouch for me that it never even remotely smelled bad. Seriously.

Good shot of ruins in Ayutthaya. Amazing experience.

Nicole wants to bring home the elephant painted like a panda. The tusked trunked creatures had enough of pandas stealing their attention, stole some white paint, and in the dark of night painted one another to the sight you see. Some of that is true.

I will leave you with a couple of informative pictures taken at the zoo. You know, cycle of life and all that.

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