Do you miss me yet? Yes, I think about you too. Thailand is treating me well. Here are a couple pictures to keep you company until my return.
I bought Nicole a Ferrari. Or to put it another way. I didn't. This was taken in what is rumored to be the largest mall in this part of the country.
Gatorade is thirst aid no matter where you are. Especially in this climate.
We enjoy delicious desserts after delicious meals. We stopped at this dessert shop after dinner last night. It was even better than it looks.
There are many temples and Buddhas throughout the city. This one for example.
It had just stopped raining when I took this from about half way up to the Golden Mount Temple.
That's all for now. It's really easy to get around the city and there is so much to see...
More soon.
Nice Comet. We've been enjoying the updates from T-land. I like the new header too!
Lauren and I just got back from the Sierra are were thinking about how much you'd love it.
Have fun!
Thanks Stitch. One day I'll finally get up into the Sierras! Can't wait to swap stories with you guys.
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